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to be off one's head

См. также в других словарях:

  • off one's head — adj mad, crazy. These phrases are all elabo rations of the well established colloquial ism, off one s head (heard since the mid 19th century). The terms are some times extended to mean intoxicated by drugs or drink, more usually denoted by… …   Contemporary slang

  • off one's head — ► off (or out of) one s head informal crazy. Main Entry: ↑head …   English terms dictionary

  • off one's head — phrasal : crazy, distracted * * * off (or out of) one s head informal crazy my old man s going off his head, you know ■ extremely drunk or severely under the influence of drugs …   Useful english dictionary

  • off one's head — {adj. phr.} Crazy; mad. * /We had no doubt that the old man was off his head when we saw him jumping into the lake with his winter coat on./ …   Dictionary of American idioms

  • off one's head — {adj. phr.} Crazy; mad. * /We had no doubt that the old man was off his head when we saw him jumping into the lake with his winter coat on./ …   Dictionary of American idioms

  • off\ one's\ head — adj. phr. Crazy; mad. We had no doubt that the old man was off his head when we saw him jumping into the lake with his winter coat on …   Словарь американских идиом

  • off one's nut — See: OFF ONE S HEAD …   Dictionary of American idioms

  • off one's nut — See: OFF ONE S HEAD …   Dictionary of American idioms

  • snap off one's head — phrasal also snap off one s nose : to speak to curtly, harshly, or discourteously by way of reply …   Useful english dictionary

  • off one's block / chump / crust / head / nut / onion — adj mad, crazy. These phrases are all elabo rations of the well established colloquial ism, off one s head (heard since the mid 19th century). The terms are some times extended to mean intoxicated by drugs or drink, more usually denoted by… …   Contemporary slang

  • off one's face — adj completely drunk or under the influence of drugs. A variant of off one s head . The usage arose in Australian speech, but by the mid 1990s was in common use in Britain among younger speakers. The variant off one s case is also used by prison… …   Contemporary slang

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